Secondary Incentives
Hold on set!
Incentive Type:
Qualifying Production Types
Animation, Documentaries, Web Series, Scripted TV, Interactive, Feature Film, Miniseries, MOW
Sunset Date
June 30, 2034
Wrapbook's Rule to Remember
Remember that when you receive your credit there is an Issuance Fee of 0.5% (no ceiling) of the credit amount (payable prior to receipt of the tax credit) and a transfer fee of $1,000.
Basic Incentive Information
- Spend30-35%
- Above the Line Residents35-39%
- Above the Line Non-Residents35-39%
- Below the Line Residents35-39%
- Below the Line Non-Residents35-39%
- Minimum Spend$1,000,000*
- Funding Cap$100,000,000*
- Project CapNone
- Loan Out RegistrationYes
- Loan Out Withholding6.37%
- CPA Audit RequiredYes
- Screen Credit RequiredYes
In order to get the maximum return listed in ranges, check out Additional Bonuses.
Project Criteria
For the Film & TV tax credit, at least 60% of the total film production expenses must incur in NJ or the qualified film production expenses for the applicant period must exceed $1,000,000 per production.
For the Digital Media tax credit, productions must incur at least $2,000,000 of the total digital spend through authorized New Jersey vendors. This $2 million minimum spend excludes wage and salary payments to employees, and at least 50% of all qualified expenditures must be for payroll expenses paid to full-time workers in New Jersey.
Projects must be at least 22 minutes in length.
Production expenses include post-production costs, services performed, and goods purchased through NJ vendors (vendors authorized to do business in NJ).
Unscripted television projects must shoot at least 60% of the show in New Jersey (this does not include post-production). They must also meet a minimum spend requirement of at least $1 million in qualified expenditures and have a minimum six-episode order on a linear broadcast network or streamer.
The Economic Development Authority will confirm that companies have been making good-faith efforts toward diversity.
Contact the film office for more details.
Additional Bonuses
Diversity Plan Bonus: a 2% bump for productions that meet certain diversity criteria. To qualify for this bonus, productions must submit a diversity plan which outlines the production’s intent to hire minority persons and women to at least 25% of all production positions.
There is an additional 2% bonus (raising the total diversity bonus to 4%) for productions in which—in addition to the above—25% of the on screen performers are women and/or minority persons, and those women and minority persons who qualify for the bonus are both in unions and have been residents of New Jersey for at least 12 months prior to the start of production.
Contact the film office for more details.
How to Apply
There is an application fee of $500 for projects seeking $1,000,000 or less in tax credits and $2,500 for projects seeking tax credits of more than $1,000,000.
Contact the film office for more details.
Additional Information
There is a compensation cap of $500,000 on individuals in key positions including but not limited to writers, producers, directors, and talent.
The radius of Columbus Circle is technically written as a percent reduction from 35% to 30% if you are located within the radius. For the sake of calculating, it is structured here as a bonus if you are OUTSIDE the radius.
Unscripted television projects (reality) must shoot at least 60% of the show in New Jersey (this does not include post-production). They must also meet a minimum spend requirement of at least $1 million in qualified expenditures and have a minimum six-episode order on a linear broadcast network or streamer.
In order to qualify, a game show, award show, or other gala event must be filmed and produced at a nonprofit arts and cultural venue receiving state funding.
The tax credit has a carry-forward of seven years.
Beginning in fiscal year 2021, the state set aside $100,000,000 for New Jersey Studio Partners and $100,000,000 for New Jersey Film-Lease Partners.
New Jersey Studio Partners are any film production company that has made a commitment to produce films in NJ and has developed, purchased, or executed a 10-year contract to lease a production facility of at least 250,000 square feet as a “transformative project.” Additionally, prior to approval, the production facility site would need to have at least preliminary site plan approval, an executed redevelopment agreement, or an adopted redevelopment plan that contemplates the construction of the production facility and, following designation approval, be able to provide temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy for the facility within 36 months. The major perk of this program is that compensation for writers, directors, including music directors, producers, and performers are allowed to constitute qualified film production expenditures: up to $15,000,000 in the aggregate when production incurs between $15,000,000 and $50,000,000 in qualified production expenses; up to $25,000,000 in the aggregate when production incurs between $50,000,000 and $100,000,000 in qualified production expenses; up to $40,000,000 in the aggregate when production incurs between $100,000,000 and $150,000,000; and up to $60,000,000 in the aggregate when production incurs more than $150,000,000 in qualified production expenses. The state only allows for three such partners at a time on a first-come-first served basis.
New Jersey Film-Lease Partners are any company that has made a commitment to lease or acquire a New Jersey production facility with an aggregate square footage of at least 50,000 square feet for a period of 5 or more successive years and agrees to spend an annual average of $50,000,000 million in qualified production expenditures over 5-10 years.
The sunset for Studio Partners and Film-Lease Partners is 2035.
Contact the film office for more details.
Related Government Forms
B-40 Affidavit for Claiming Benefits Due to a Deceased Person
Submit this form if you are the spouse, next of kin, or executor/administrator for a claimant who passed away before receiving benefits he or she was due. The completed form and any supporting documents can be emailed to [].
BC-151.2 Unemployment Insurance Eligibility Form Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA)
This form is required to be completed prior to attending the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment appointment.
BC-181 Application for Dependency Benefits
This form is used to claim Dependency Benefits. If your weekly benefit rate is less than the maximum amount, you may qualify to receive these additional benefits. You must provide proof of dependency within six weeks of the date of your Unemployment Insurance claim. If your spouse or civil union partner is employed during the week you establish your claim, you cannot receive dependency benefits. If you and your spouse or civil union partner are both unemployed, only one may claim dependency benefits.
BC-502 Authorization for Benefit Payment
Use this form to tell the New New Jersey Division of Unemployment Insurance how you want receive your Unemployment Insurance benefits. You can also use this form to request a change in method while you are collecting benefits.
BPC-404 Summary of Account
If you were overpaid benefits and need to pay them back to us, use this form to set up a monthly installment agreement for repayment.
Bergen County Film Permit Application
Productions seeking a permit to film in Bergen County, New Jersey must complete and submit this film permit application.
C-6205-ST, Request To Be Placed On A Non-Reporting Basis
A registered business that is not required to collect and remit sales and/or use tax (e.g., it does not incur use tax liability on its own taxable purchases) may file this form. Even though your production company may not be collecting New Jersey Sales Tax, you should register to accept/issue exemption certificates.
CD-101, Certificate of Conversion
Use this form to convert the business structure of a business based outside of New Jersey but doing business in New Jersey.
City of Passaic Film Hold Harmless Agreement
This is a mandatory document that applicants must execute as part of the film permitting process in the city of Passaic, New Jersey. This agreement stipulates that the applicant, along with any associated persons or organizations, agrees to indemnify and hold the City of Passaic harmless against any liability for damages to property or injuries to persons arising from the filming activities. This includes, but is not limited to, any claims resulting from the use of public lands and private property for filming purposes.
City of Passaic Film Permit Application
Productions seeking a permit to film in the city of Passaic, New Jersey must complete and submit this film permit application.
County of Passaic Film Permit Application
Productions seeking a permit to film in the county of Passaic, New Jersey must complete and submit this film permit application.
Directions for Obtaining Emergent Theatrical Permits For Minors
This document provides guidelines for obtaining short-term permits for minors participating in theatrical productions lasting one to two days. Film production companies planning to employ minors for brief periods must follow these directions to ensure compliance with child labor laws.
Directions for Obtaining Formal Permits for Minors
This document outlines the process for acquiring long-term permits for minors engaged in theatrical productions lasting three or more days. Production companies employing minors for extended periods must adhere to these guidelines to comply with New Jersey's child labor regulations.
Elizabeth, NJ Film Permit Application
Productions seeking a permit to film in the city of Elizabeth, New Jersey must complete and submit this film permit application.
Employee’s Certificate of Nonresidence In New Jersey
You are required to have a copy of this form on file for each employee receiving compensation paid in New Jersey and who is a resident of Pennsylvania and claims exemption from withholding of New Jersey Gross Income Tax under the reciprocal agreement between New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Form CD-100, Certificate Of Conversion/Domestication
Use this form to convert the business structure of a New Jersey-based business. This form can also be used by out-of-state businesses wishing to convert their business structure AND become a New Jersey business.
Form GIT-327, Film and Digital Media Tax Credit
Use Form GIT-327 to claim any unused Film and Digital Media Tax Credit and/or credit carry-forward against the tax otherwise due under the New Jersey Gross Income Tax Act. You may claim this credit for qualified film production expenses and/or any qualified digital media content production expenses incurred between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2039.
Form ST-4, Exempt Use Certificate
Companies can use this form to claim an exemption from the sales tax for certain qualified production purchases.
Hanover Township Film Permit Application
Productions seeking a permit to film in the city of Hanover, New Jersey must complete and submit this film permit application.
Montclair, NJ Application for Filming Permit
Productions seeking a permit to film in the city of Montclair, New Jersey must complete and submit this film permit application.
NJ-1040 Resident Income Tax Return
New Jersey residents receiving income in the state of New Jersey must file this tax form.
NJ-1040NR Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresidents of New Jersey receiving income in the state of New Jersey must file this tax form.
NJ-W4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
The NJ-W4 form helps employers withhold the correct state income tax from employee pay. Employees should complete this form and provide it to their employer to declare withholding information for New Jersey purposes.
New Jersey Digital Media Tax Credit Agreed Upon Procedures Requirements
This document specifies the agreed-upon procedures that an independent CPA must follow to verify a digital media production's qualified expenses. Compliance ensures eligibility for the digital media tax credit.
New Jersey Digital Media Tax Credit Application Checklist
This checklist provides a comprehensive list of documents and requirements necessary for submitting a complete Digital Media Tax Credit application. Digital media production companies can use it to ensure all criteria are met.
New Jersey Digital Media Tax Credit Online Application
Digital media companies, including those involved in post-production or digital content creation, can use this online application to apply for New Jersey's Digital Media Tax Credit. This program offers transferable tax credits for qualified digital media content production expenses incurred in the state.
New Jersey Explosive Permit Application
This application is required for the use, storage, or transportation of explosives within New Jersey. Film production companies planning to incorporate pyrotechnics or special effects involving explosives must obtain this permit to ensure safety and regulatory compliance.
New Jersey Explosive Permit Application - Blasters Use Permit
This specific permit is necessary for individuals responsible for handling and detonating explosives.
New Jersey Film Tax Credit Agreed Upon Procedures Requirements
This document details the specific procedures that an independent certified public accountant must follow when verifying a production's qualified expenses. Adherence to these procedures is crucial when qualifying for the tax credit.
New Jersey Film Tax Credit Application Checklist
This checklist outlines all necessary documentation and requirements for submitting a complete Film Tax Credit application. Production companies can use it to ensure they meet all criteria and include all required information.
New Jersey Film Tax Credit Diversity Tracking Sheet (Form B)
This form is utilized to monitor and report the diversity metrics of a production, tracking the implementation of the approved diversity plan. Accurate completion of this form is essential for production companies to qualify for the diversity bonus under the tax credit program.
New Jersey Film Tax Credit Online Application
Use this online application to apply for New Jersey's Film Tax Credit Program, which offers transferable tax credits for qualified production expenses incurred in the state.
New Jersey Film Tax Credit Transfer Application
This form enables film production companies to transfer their earned, transferable New Jersey film tax credits to other business entities.
New Jersey Film/Digital Media Tax Credit Program Diversity Plan (Form A)
This form is used by production companies to outline their strategies for promoting diversity within their projects. Submitting an approved diversity plan can make productions eligible for additional tax credit bonuses.
New Jersey Studio Partner or Film-Lease Partner Facility Designation Application
This application is for production companies seeking designation as a Studio Partner or Film-Lease Partner Facility, which can provide access to additional tax credits and incentives.
New Jersey Theatrical Production Application
New Jersey child labor laws require the completion of this application by the production company employing minors in a theatrical performance. In addition, a New Jersey Theatrical Permit A-310 must be completed for each minor, and this requires the parent and minor to appear before a New Jersey School Issuing Officer in order to secure.
Newark, NJ Film Permit Application
Productions seeking a permit to film in the city of Newark, New Jersey must complete and submit this film permit application.
Notification of Address Change for Unemployment Benefits
Only use this form to report an address change after you stop collecting benefits. This will make sure that any adjustment checks, determinations, tax statements (1099-G), and informational notices go to the right place. Do not use this form to report an address change while you are collecting Unemployment Insurance benefits.
Palisades Interstate Park Film & Photography Permit Application
This application is required for individuals or production companies wishing to conduct filming or photography within the Palisades Interstate Park. Permits are issued on a case-by-case basis year-round, excluding holidays and weekends. The application process involves submitting the form, after which applicants are notified within three business days regarding approval. Once approved, all necessary documents and payments must be finalized at least five business days prior to the production date.
Registering To Do Business In New Jersey Guide
This instructional guide detailed steps on how to register to do business in New Jersey via the state’s online business services portal. In order for a production company to work in New Jersey and apply for the Film and Digital Media Tax Credit Program, companies must register to do business in the state and obtain a New Jersey tax ID number. This process applies to legal entities only, including Corporations, Nonprofit Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, and Limited Liability Partnerships.
Request for Change in Withholding Status
Use this form to have federal income tax (FIT) withheld from your Unemployment Insurance benefits, or to stop the withholding of taxes from your benefits.
Sales and Use Tax Exemption For Filmmakers - Overview
This document describes exemptions in the Sales and Use Tax Act for sales of certain tangible personal property and certain services used in the production of film and video for sale, as well as an exemption for the sale of certain films and other recorded materials.
Somerville, NJ Film Permit Application
Productions seeking a permit to film in the city of Somerville, New Jersey must complete and submit this film permit application.
Step-By-Step Instructions for Utilizing the Sales Tax Exemption
This document provides production companies with detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to obtain and use a sales tax exemption in New Jersey.
Studio Partner Film Tax Credit Online Application
Designated Studio Partners use this online application to apply for specific film tax credits available to them. These credits are designed to encourage the development and utilization of large, long-term film production facilities within New Jersey.
Union City, NJ Film Permit Application
Productions seeking a permit to film in the city of Union City, New Jersey must complete and submit this film permit application.
Wage Complaint (MW-31A)
This form allows employees to file a complaint regarding unpaid wages or improper payment practices.
Wage Complaint for Non-Payment of Prevailing Wage Rate (MW-31B)
Employees can use this form to report violations related to the non-payment of prevailing wage rates.
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At Wrapbook, we pride ourselves on providing outstanding free resources to producers and their crews, but this page is for informational purposes only as of the date above. The content on our website is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for legal, accounting, or tax advice. You should consult with your own legal, accounting, or tax advisors to determine how this general information may apply to your specific circumstances.