October 22, 2024

How to Fill Out the SAG Exhibit G Form

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Last Updated 
October 22, 2024
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The SAG Exhibit G Form isn’t just a timesheet for your actors. It’s a daily ritual.

Also called the “G,” the SAG Exhibit G Form is nothing more than a SAG-AFTRA timesheet for actors, which the Guild can process to make sure their actors are paid correctly.

While containing a dizzying amount of columns and no pictures, the form is actually pretty easy to fill out once you do it once.

The form has a lot of detailed information about what has occurred in an actor’s day. The form is filled in and sent into a SAG office to tell them how the time was spent.

In this step-by-step guide, we show you how to use a SAG Exhibit G Form, along with some tricks and tips picked up by producers along the way.

Main points

  • The SAG Exhibit G Form is a critical timesheet that ensures actors are paid correctly under SAG-AFTRA agreements.
  • The form's header contains important production details, such as the picture title, production company, and shoot date.
  • Input each actor’s name, character name, and daily status, marking if they are minors or working under specific conditions.

First, download the SAG Exhibit G Form

Before diving into our step-by-step guide, be sure to download the latest SAG Exhibit G Form.

While you can edit the form in your browser, we recommend downloading it blank and updating it using a PDF reader. And now, without further ado…

1. Fill out the header of the SAG Exhibit G Form

A header for your production is at the top of every single SAG Exhibit G Form.  Here, you’ll mark up all the identifying information about your production.

As veteran producers will tell you, you can fill out most of this information in advance, saving minutes on set, which can quickly add up. While “Shooting Location” and “Date” will have to be added on the day of shooting, use Preview or Adobe Acrobat to make a SAG Exhibit G Template.

Plus, they’re both free.

As for the actual fields you’ll have to fill out, the top of every SAG form has these sections:

Picture title

As you may have guessed, this is the title of your production. It must be the exact title registered with SAG-AFTRA. To look this up, be sure to consult your SAG payroll company.


The “company” in question is your production company.

Production no.

Along with “Picture Title,” this is an identifying number SAG gives your production once you’ve been approved to shoot.


The day’s shoot date.


A production company representative is the critical point of contact with SAG. This person is responsible for filling out the form, whether they do it themselves or have someone else do it.


The key point of contact’s cell phone number.

Shooting location

This is the address of where you’re shooting. It’s not the script slug—i.e. “INT. CHELSEA’S BEDROOM.” Think instead Pinewood Studios. Mark multiple shooting locations here if you do.

Is today a designated day off? 

Actors need a day or two off per seven days of shooting. It’s one of many SAG rules. Just because your actors aren’t working doesn’t mean you don’t have to fill out a SAG Exhibit G Form.

Production type

Designate your production type: Motion Picture (MP), Television Episode (TV), Movie of the Week (MOW), Industrial (aka commercials), or Other.

This is obvious, but be sure you know what the right agreement is for your project type!

2. Add your actors and their status

What is a SAG Exhibit G Form without actors? On the left side of the form, you’ll find a place where you'll be asked to input your actors’ names, their character names, along with their daily status.

It’s truly as easy as it looks. If your actors are under 18, mark the minor box with an “x.”

Working status

Next to your actors’ character names, you’ll see an empty box. Here, you’ll list your actors’s working status for the day.

  • W (Work): Your actor’s working, aka, acting on camera.
  • R (Rehearsal): Your actor’s practicing, off camera.
  • FT (Fitting): Your actor’s trying on costumes, off camera.
  • TR (Travel): Your actor is flying to location.
  • H (Hold Day): Your actor isn’t working, but can’t take another job. Usually, this applies to actors on location but not being used. Usually, actors are paid for these days.
  • T (Test): Your actor is doing a screen test, but not acting.
  • S (Start): Your actor’s first day of paid work.
  • F (Finish): Your actor’s last day of paid work on the project.

You can then use these letters in conjunction with each other.

Let’s say Brad Pitt is doing a cameo on your project (congrats, btw). That means he’ll act on camera, but also start and finish the same day. Therefore, Mr. Pitt would get the status SWF because he started work and finished it.

3. Add work time

If a film set were an office, this part of the SAG Exhibit G Form would be its punch clock.

Work time tracks when your actors arrive for makeup, begin work on set, finish work on set, and finally leave the makeup area.

All times are written in military time, or standard time with A.M. and P.M. distinction.

Report makeup wardrobe

This is when your actor arrives to work. As the heading suggests, actors usually report to makeup and wardrobe to get camera-ready first.

Report on set

This is the time your actor reports to set to work. “Work” means rehearsing or acting. It’s usually the time the actor has finished makeup and wardrobe.

Dismiss on set

This is the time your actor has been dismissed from set and finished work. The actor then reports to makeup and wardrobe to get undressed.

Dismiss makeup wardrobe

This is when your actor has gotten out of costume, wiped away the makeup, and is finished for the entire day. It’s the moment your actor is cleared to go.

4. Insert meal breaks

In addition to minimum rates, SAG-AFTRA has specific rules when it comes to meal breaks.

Typically, actors are required to have a meal break within six hours of arriving at the location. If the meal is missed, your production must pay a fine.

To keep your production compliant, you must mark meal breaks meticulously so the union can determine violations.

ND meal (non-deductible meal)

Here, you should log the times for the non-deductible meal. While not mandatory, the non-deductible meal is a break you can offer your actors within the first two hours of the day. Holding this meal break resets your six-hour clock from the time this break ends.

1st meal

This is where you log the times for the meal break. Since many sets run over time, it’s important to budget extra money for meal violations, just in case.

2nd meal

You may have to offer a second meal on particularly long shoot days. This usually happens if you intend to shoot six hours after the first meal break. If you don’t have a 2nd meal break, leave a dash mark. That way, SAG won’t think you forgot.

5. Add travel times

If you’re shooting on location, you’ll typically need to account for travel time.

In the eyes of SAG-AFTRA, travel time accounts for when an actor is commuting to a location outside of a “studio zone.” And yes, it counts as paid time.

In essence, “studio zones” encompass the greater metropolitan area of major cities, such as New York and Los Angeles. So, if your SAG actor leaves in Queens, and you’re shooting in 30 Rock, you’re not paying for their subway commute.

Actors traveling from outside their zone can charge for their travel time, which you mark here.

Leave for location

This is the time your actors left their residences and/or hotels to get your set outside of their designated zone.

Arrive on location

Record the time the actor arrived.

Leave location

Record the time the actor was released from makeup and left the location.

Arrive at studio

If you’re shooting on a studio lot, this time will be identical to your “arrive on location.” If not, leave this box blank.

6. Fill in specialty events

On the right side of the SAG Exhibit G, you’ll see a few columns where you can mark special events that happen on set. Most of these “special events” will result in SAG penalties you’ll have to pay.

For this reason, it’s crucial to hire a terrific line producer who is familiar with SAG’s rules so you don’t go over budget, as well as a knowledgeable SAG payroll company.

Stunt ADJ (stunt adjustment)

Mark this box when an actor performs a stunt on set.

Minors tutoring time

Actors under the age of 18 often require “school time” during shooting. Here, you should mark how much tutoring time minors received.

Wardrobe—number of outfits provided

Actors may sometimes bring their own costuming to set at the production’s request. SAG-AFTRA actors are paid a fee for each outfit.

Forced call

A 12-hour turnaround time must be given to actors between leaving set and returning the next day. If you provide anything short of that time, you must mark it here. If you’re shooting outside of a studio zone, this time frame can be reduced to 10 hours.

MPVS (meal penalty violations)

No, not MVPs. Meal penalty violations occur every 30 minutes an actor doesn’t receive their first meal after six hours. So if actors missed their meal breaks by an hour, you’d enter 2 MPVs for each actor here.

7. Collect signatures

The last thing you’ll need to do for each SAG Exhibit G is get your actors’ signatures before they leave set each day.

This is needed to make the form valid.

While most actors will be in a rush to get home, it’s important that they understand exactly what the form outlines. If asked, you should be able to give your actors a quick recap of the day when they sign.

Who fills out the SAG Exhibit G?

The short answer is someone representing the production company. But like most things in Hollywood, the short answer never paints the full picture.

The long answer is that it usually falls on the producers’ hands to fill out each day on set. If they’re not around, it falls down to the project manager. From there, it can drop down to coordinator, or in extreme cases PAs.

8. Send it to your SAG payroll company

Once your actors have added their John Hancocks, it’s time to submit your Exhibit G to your SAG payroll company each week.

Unlike other payroll companies, SAG payroll companies are allowed by The Screen Actors Guild to process and run payroll. You can’t work with talent without them. That’s why we made a list of them.

Since actors must be paid weekly, you need to send your forms to your SAG payroll company as soon as you can.

If you’re using Wrapbook, submitting SAG Exhibit G Forms is easy and can be done directly from the set.

Wrapping up

Once you fill out a SAG Exhibit G a few times, it easily becomes a habit.

Not only does it keep you compliant with The Screen Actors Guild, but it also determines how much you’ll pay your actors.

Now that you understand how to fill out a SAG Exhibit G Form, the next item on your list should be finding a SAG payroll company to process it.

Have any lingering questions about the SAG Exhibit G? Contact us today and let us know.

Final FAQ

How do you fill out a SAG Exhibit G Form?

Fill out one SAG Exhibit G Form for every shooting day. The principal person handling SAG-AFTRA paperwork is usually the production manager or producer. Include the contact person’s name and phone number. If there’s an official production office number, in that information as well. This step is key in the signatory process to meet SAG minimum requirements.

How do you submit a SAG Exhibit G Form?

Actors must be paid weekly, so it's important to submit the paperwork to your SAG payroll company without delay. With Wrapbook, handling the SAG Exhibit G Form is fast and efficient. You can upload the form directly from the set, simplifying the signatory process.

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