customer success

GhostRobot saw Wrapbook and jumped in full force.


Brooklyn-based production company GhostRobot was founded in 2002 by producers Zach Mortensen and Mark De Pace.

For nearly 20 years, GhostRobot has been turning out evocative and innovative content, including feature films, documentaries, comic books, commercials, and music videos for artists such as RJD2 and Björk. Mortensen and De Pace also provide advertising and branded content services for clients.

Of course, this level of productivity means the company has been employing people for a long time. More specifically, they've been dealing with payroll companies for a long time. 

The team at GhostRobot knows firsthand how payroll can be a massive headache for production. So when a painless solution presented itself, they jumped in.

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The Problem

GhostRobot has been trying to move away from physical paperwork. From an ecological, organizational, and ease-of-use standpoint, they simply didn’t want to be burdened anymore by this age-old facet of the production payroll world. 

Once the pandemic hit, it became clear that keeping up old practices like physically signing off on timecards was no longer going to work. With projects that were taking Mortensen and his colleagues to multiple cities across the United States, they needed a digital alternative to their current payroll system.

“Wrapbook became a great payroll solution that decentralized the need for physical paperwork. With the digital ‘solutions’ I was seeing with other payroll partners, it seemed to me like we were doing twice the work."

The Solution

Mortensen states that other payroll providers’ digital options meant doing even more work than before since there still was a physical component to it. Wrapbook’s entirely digital interface was a remarkable departure from those redundancies. 

Not only was Wrapbook the solution to GhostRobot’s paperwork woes, but it also allowed Mortensen to assess the payroll status of his projects in real time—for the first time! He notes that it was a game changer as compared to the old days when he would see stacks of timecards sitting on a desk and have no idea if they had been filled out or paid.

"We needed to shift gears into a more digital-first workflow for accounting. That's what we saw in Wrapbook and why we jumped in full force.”

Paperless Solutions to Avoid Extra Work

GhostRobot said goodbye to paper timecards to avoid doing twice the work as they had in the past. Now, if any mistake is made during payroll, it's all in one digital place. It is spotted and corrected well before payroll is run.

Quickbooks and Hot Budget Integrations

GhostRobot knows all too well how digital "solutions" aren't always what they seem. Moving away from ineffective digital band-aids, they turned to Wrapbook for intuitive integrations like those with Hot Budget & Quickbooks to wrap faster and avoid having to make updates in multiple places.

Business Impact

The Future

The pandemic brought to the forefront the payroll issues that the GhostRobot crew had already been dealing with for years.

Production won't return to how things were done pre-pandemic, but that’s a good thing. The simplicity and paperwork-free option of Wrapbook has allowed GhostRobot to keep up with its production needs regardless of the last unprecedented 18 months. 

For an industry that has been hit hard by the challenges introduced by this pandemic, it’s a much-welcomed change to hear that Wrapbook has been able to improve upon the payroll experience of its clients despite them.

See what Wrapbook can do for you.

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