Dress Code NY Inc. uses Wrapbook to take the pain out of payroll.

The Problem
The Solution

Run Payroll On Your Terms with Flexible Payroll
With Wrapbook, Dress Code has the flexibility to run payroll when and how they want. All they have to do is select which payables to include, and they can create any size payroll batch they want—for their whole production, a single department, or just one worker. They can even group by expense type. Even better, Dress Code can run payroll anytime—no more waiting on a 9-to-5 paymaster.

Prevent Errors With Digital Timecards
Paper timecards were a pain. Not only did they require Dress Code to keep track of mountains of unnecessary physical paperwork, they also created problems for legibility. Messy handwriting on paper timecards was often misinterpreted, creating significant—and unnecessary—errors. With Wrapbook's easy-to-use interface, crew simply fill out their digital timecards and Dress Code can approve, edit, or decline them with just a click.
Business Impact
The Future

See what Wrapbook can do for you.
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