Here at Wrapbook, we aim to make entertainment payroll as fast, efficient, and downright delightful as possible. We work hard to continuously optimize our platform and improve your production experience from the earliest days of prep through the last minute of wrap. 

Over the summer, we added a variety of updates and innovations to the Wrapbook platform. In this post, we’ll review the highlights and demonstrate how you can use Wrapbook as a force multiplier for your production finance team. 

Advanced work location options make onboarding more efficient

Kicking off our list is a pivotal quality-of-life improvement for remote collaboration. With Wrapbook, work-from-home workers can now specify their personal work location when onboarding and filling out timecards. It’s a small step for the platform that can streamline your next production in a big way.

Wrapbook Summer 2024 Snapshot - Wrapbook - WFH Work Locations

The inclusion of WFH work locations options further simplifies and clarifies the onboarding process through Wrapbook. Production teams are no longer required to manually enter every remote worker’s address into each project’s settings. Instead, WFH workers can easily input their addresses themselves from the very beginning. It’s a faster process with less cluttered data and clearer lines of communication. 

WFH work locations options can also be used to automate startwork. Depending on the work location provided, Wrapbook will automatically display any additional required startwork that the worker will need to complete. This functionality both speeds up onboarding and helps ensure compliance.

Auto-save features protect your work

If you’ve ever lost hours of work to an unsaved project crash, this next feature is for you. (And if you haven’t, consider yourself very lucky.) Wrapbook’s new auto-save functionality in our Budget/EFC Tracker ensures that you never lose work-in-progress.

The art of production accounting requires ongoing due diligence and strict attention to detail. Losing your internet connection or accidentally closing the wrong tab can cause a minor crisis all too easily. 

With Wrapbook, auto-save functionality protects your budget edits in real-time so that you and your team can focus on the work that really matters. Even if disaster strikes, you can resume your edits exactly where you left off. 

An updated dashboard streamlines project management

Wrapbook’s All Projects Dashboard empowers your production company to oversee an entire slate of projects in the blink of an eye. Updated search, filter, and sorting tools make it easier than ever to locate and drill deeper into any project that needs your attention.

Wrapbook Summer 2024 Snapshot - Wrapbook - All Projects Dashboard

The updated Dashboard now also provides a summary of pending tasks by project. This feature enables you and your team to quickly see work that remains to be done, further streamlining vital tasks like onboarding and payment. 

Expanded production accounting features increase flexibility

With Wrapbook’s new accounting features, you can further customize how you manage your productions’ finances. 

Producers now have the ability to create custom accounting roles with custom permissions for each project. With a few clicks, you can grant or limit access to information within the platform, simultaneously increasing digital security and decreasing the potential for miscommunication.

Wrapbook is further bridging the gap between digital and analog solutions with our new check printing tools. Production teams can now print checks for vendor payments directly from Wrapbook. All you have to do is select the correct invoices for a check run and print on MICR check stock. 

Improved work location feature jumpstarts your shoots

Location scouting is a challenge that sometimes comes right down to the wire. That’s why Wrapbook now allows you to add work locations with minimal information. Even without the full address of your shooting location, you can set up a new project as fast as possible. All you need is the city, state, and zip code to start the project and hit the ground running. 

Smart tools reduce time spent on manual data entry

Manual data entry is tedious, time-consuming, and prone to errors. Recent Wrapbook updates can help you reduce the number of headaches and hours spent on inputting data by hand. 

Our new fringe mapping tool, for example, enables producers to create custom rules for fringe costs. Fringes will be automatically coded to the accounts and tags you want when processing timecards and expenses, eliminating the need to assign fringe codes manually.

Wrapbook Summer 2024 Snapshot - Wrapbook - Fringe Mapping Tool

Cost code report tags have been expanded to now include worker tags. This simple addition empowers you or your team to review payroll batches before they’re run instead of after, minimizing the waste of redundant work. 

Finally, smart pasting is now available for creating purchase orders. Instead of manually entering data into your accounting feature, Wrapbook’s expanded smart copy-paste features enable you to copy PO data into Wrapbook with a few keystrokes. You can sit back and watch, as your information automatically and accurately populates the lines of the PO.

Safeguards help you track, avoid, and quickly correct accounting errors

For Wrapbook, precision and compliance have always been high priorities. Recent updates expand our users’ ability to easily minimize and quickly fix mistakes. 

New timecard and expense tags ensure that account coding is accurate before timecards are approved. When team members review timecards and expenses, they can now review and edit corresponding account codes directly on the timecard, making it easier to catch coding errors in payroll transactions before they occur.

Wrapbook Summer 2024 Snapshot - Wrapbook - Timecard and Expenses Tag

Wrapbook now also makes it easier to track the flow of payroll work within the platform itself. With a few clicks, you can quickly see who batched and submitted any payroll in a project’s history. Just look for “Submitted by:” in the lower right-hand corner of each payroll card. 

Of course, not all mistakes are avoidable. If an error does occur, Wrapbook now enables you to void, cancel, and even reissue an AP directly from the Paid invoices tab on the Vendor payments screen.This additional functionality empowers users to react with as much speed as necessary when an issue is detected. 

New Government Forms Database speeds up your prep

Beyond our payroll and production management platform, Wrapbook provides an array of powerful tools and resources for the filmmaking community at large. The Government Forms Database is our latest offering that you can leverage to streamline your next shoot. 

Like it or not, paperwork is a major part of the production industry. Federal, state, and local regulations often demand different forms for compliance, and—make no mistake—productions are on the hook for every single one of them. 

Traditionally, production teams have been forced to collect all of this paperwork manually, one document at a time. Here at Wrapbook, however, we recognized this inefficiency for exactly what it was: a “traditional” problem in need of a modern solution. 

That’s why we’re collecting every essential federal, state, and local government form into a single, searchable Government Forms Database. It’s a one-stop shop for the official paperwork you’ll need to kick off a production in the U.S. 

Plus, the Wrapbook Government Forms Database is smart. Whenever you access a form, the database will automatically suggest related documents that you might also need to maintain compliance. 

Check it out.

Wrapping up

At Wrapbook, we understand that innovation is essential in a fast-changing production industry. The updates in this post offer a snapshot of our summer, but there’s so much more coming up that we can’t wait to share. With next-generation technology and a concierge service model, Wrapbook gives your team the edge it needs to stay a step ahead.

Reach out to our Sales Team to find out how.

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Last Updated 
October 17, 2024


At Wrapbook, we pride ourselves on providing outstanding free resources to producers and their crews, but this post is for informational purposes only as of the date above. The content on our website is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for legal, accounting, or tax advice.  You should consult with your own legal, accounting, or tax advisors to determine how this general information may apply to your specific circumstances.

About the author
Loring Weisenberger

Loring is a Los Angeles-based writer, director, and creative producer. His work has been commissioned by a diverse range of clients- from Havas Worldwide to Wisecrack, inc.- and has been screened around the world. Through a background that blends project development with physical production across multiple formats, Loring has developed a uniquely eclectic skillset as a visual storyteller.

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