Every film, from low-budget independents to blockbuster hits, relies on the dedication of countless crew members. Crew Appreciation Day, now officially observed on October 4, honors the essential personnel behind the scenes—those who set up, rig, and execute the productions of films, TV shows, commercials, and music videos.

The catalyst for Crew Appreciation Day

Production crews are the backbone of the entertainment industry, working tirelessly behind the scenes. While actors, directors, and writers often receive public acclaim, it's the crew who ensure every production is safe and successful. 

However, the industry faces significant challenges, including a notable scarcity of jobs, which has placed additional pressure on these vital workers.

The birth of Crew Appreciation Day: Why October 4?

Crew Appreciation Day 2024 is Friday, October 4. Why this particular date?

Step onto any production set and within minutes you’ll hear the refrain “10-4” from a walkie-talkie or nearby crew member. Radio code for “message received,” it’s only fitting that Crew Appreciation Day should take place on a date that correlates with a term symbolizing acknowledgement and recognition. 

Crew Appreciation Day as an annual event on October 4 aims to build a tradition of gratitude within the entertainment industry as recognition not only from others to their crew friends, family, or employees, but also from one industry colleague to another.

How to participate

You don’t have to wait until October 4 to be part of Crew Appreciation Day. Take action today to ensure that the crew members you know and work with feel the love on 10/4.

Watch for giveaways on October 4 

On the big day, stay tuned for special giveaways on our Instagram and in your inbox. From now through Crew Appreciation Day, Wrapbook will be sharing information about the inaugural holiday celebration and ways to get the word out about it. Sign up for our newsletter on the sidebar to get the latest on holiday happenings. 

Share your love on social 

On 10/4, we’ll be highlighting crew members’ experiences on social media using #CrewAppreciationDay. Feel free to share, but more importantly, share why you’re grateful for a fellow crew member. Or, if you’re a company, share why you’re grateful for your crew. Use hashtag #CrewAppreciationDay and we’ll give your post more reach. 

Stay tuned: Voices from the crew

We're shining a spotlight on crew members and sharing their stories through a special video series featuring on-set interviews. Stay tuned on our social media and website to hear from them throughout the week and on 10/4.

Wrapping up

Crew Appreciation Day aims to foster a culture of recognition and respect for crew work on October 4—and more importantly—all year long. 

On October 4, don’t forget to share shoutouts of your co-workers and crew using #CrewAppreciationDay.

Last Updated 
September 18, 2024


At Wrapbook, we pride ourselves on providing outstanding free resources to producers and their crews, but this post is for informational purposes only as of the date above. The content on our website is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for legal, accounting, or tax advice.  You should consult with your own legal, accounting, or tax advisors to determine how this general information may apply to your specific circumstances.

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The Wrapbook Team

The Wrapbook Team consists of individuals who are thrilled about building modern software tools for creators. We’re a team of compassionate and curious people dedicated to solving complex problems with sophisticated solutions. You can find us across the U.S. and Canada.

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