Assist the payroll accountant with the following:
Sending digital start paperwork to crew and verifying documentation
Sending digital paperwork to extras payroll
Going to set to bring paychecks to crew that are not direct deposit
Digital filing
This is a position for someone who wants to move up in the payroll department.
The payroll accountant is one of best and is a great teacher
Must have experience with adobe
Must have experience with docusign
Must have experience with scenechronize
Must have experience with EP Smartstart
Having experience with extras payroll is a plus
$1,260 / per week
The List is brought to you by Emily Rice & Co in partnership with Wrapbook. With over 20 years of post production accounting experience and offices in Los Angeles and New York, Emily Rice & Co are experts in incentives, cost reports, payroll, and delivering your project for distribution.
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