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Controllers, CFOs, & HOPs Assess the State of Commercial Production
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What does the future hold for commercial production? It’s a simple question with a number of complicated answers. Seismic shifts in technology, industry-wide pressure to do “more with less,” and a changing media landscape—the future of commercial production has never been more uncertain, or more full of potential. To find out more, we interviewed finance executives from some of the commercial production industry’s top companies, including Superprime, Greenpoint, Prettybird, and more. Drawing on decades of experience, they painted a picture of where the industry is, and where it’s going.

What’s Inside
- What trends are emerging that will shape the industry in the years to come?
- How will emerging technologies change how commercials get made in the future?
- What are best practices for staying under budget?
Plus much, much more.
Industry Professionals
Find out what top industry insiders think about the state—and future—of the commercial production industry.